Friday, 26 March 2021

Warlords of Erehwon - Troll (Nick)

Another change of tack from me, all part of the joys of 'paint on brush' every day - this time a fantasy troll from Macrocosm and pure coincidence that it follows on immediately after Carl's Blood Bowl troll!
This chap was part of a bargain bag job lot I picked up at the last Salute to take place almost 2 years ago now, before the COVID pandemic intervened.

Mainly Citadel Contrast Paints again, with additional acrylics and inks for the details... in fact the skin colour is just Gryph-Charger Grey over white primer so quite quick overall which isn't a bad thing when I've another fourteen of them to do!

Originally heading for a goblin warband full of gribblies in Warlords of Erehwon from Warlord Games that I helped to playtest with the author Rick Priestly, but could easily see service in SAGA: Age of Magic from Studio Tomahawk, Dragon Rampant (a fantasy version of Lion Rampant) by Osprey Publishing, maybe even some large battle games like Oathmark, again by Osprey Publishing or Kings of War by Mantic Games.

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