Sunday, 21 March 2021

Blood Bowl - Troll (Carl)

Finished another old Blood Bowl model this week. A second edition Troll, with a slight repositioning of the left arm. The model has lain primed but chipped and battered in the WiP box for literally years.

So a quick rebase to a 32mm round, along with repriming with GW's Corax White and I've finally given the model a paint job.

The basing is done with GW's Technical Paint Stirland Battlemire which I can only surmise is made up of sand, PVA and paint. It's a quick way to texture a base but I think I prefer my usual approach of wall filler applied with a sculpting tool. I'll use up the technical paint on my Blood Bowl bases but don't think I'll be in a hurry to buy any more. It's good if you're in a hurry (I can imagine this approach being fantastic for last minute tournament preparation) but I'm generally fairly laid back with regards getting stuff painted so see no need for that particular time saver.

The glossy areas on the base are Green Stuff World's UV Resin (I got mine in the UK from Eureka Miniatures UK). It produces a very good water effect.

I've noticed with my last few posts that my phone camera really does kill the graduations between colours on models. Might have to try the 'proper' camera next time.

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