Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Blood Bowl Goblin Fan (Carl)


Another model off the Work in Progress pile/queue. In this instance a Blood Bowl Goblin fan from waaaaay back in the olden days.

I spent far too long considering repainting him to blend his skin tones but eventually decided to just call it done and move on.

His scarf has the motivational message to “Go for it!” Which was old Blood Bowl speak for inviting the dice gods to laugh at you. Nowadays the process of ‘going for’ an extra square is called a Dash, maybe this is a cunning ploy by the writers to avoid the gaze of the dice gods. But Nuffle sees all.

His base has a bit of sprue to represent beer cans and a random bit of card painted as stadium detritus thrown by the hooligans at the back.

I’ve got two more fans to join him as reroll counters to finish, hopefully getting this guy finished will spur me on to complete his comrades.