Friday, 3 September 2021

Pond Wars Frog (Carl)

Something a bit different this time!

This is a model from a growing group of swamp warbands I'm working on for Open Combat. This is a Frog from the Pond Wars range at Eureka Miniatures . How or why a frog is armed with a musket is not a question any sane person would ask, they should be asking where's that frog with a musket pointing it?!

Loved working on this model, loads of character and it'll be another fun little warband for Open Combat when I've finished them all. Yes there are more on the way!

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Blood Bowl Goblins (Carl)

I've finally finished the final few players for my Goblin Blood Bowl team. I've still got a few extras to do like reroll models, biased Ref, mascot etc. But as far as the actual players in the pitch. They're finally finished and ready for action!

Have to admit I'm pretty pleased with how it's all come together. Looking forward to getting up to some Goblin shenanigans on the field when the league starts.

And finally, the whole team shot: